Die Draadwerf Stock Fencing Product Range

Draadwerf manufactures and supplies prime stock fencing products and materials for agricultural purposes.

Stock fencing is used to contain livestock or to keep animals out of an area.
Cattle are strong enough to penetrate most types of fencing. It is therefore essential that your stock fencing is effective and unyielding.

Die Draadwerf stocks a range of options to secure and contain your livestock.
We offer excellent quality products of choice for cattle fencing, including barbed wire and field fence.

Die Draadwerf Stock Fencing Options Include:

Barbed Wire

Cattle fence usually consists of 5 strands barbed wire (either single or double strands). Strands vary based on the application e.g., cattle, sheep, or goats.

Barbed wire cattle fences are known as a barrier to fence livestock animals in.

This can also be used as a perimeter fence around an area but has little security advantages.

Die Draadwerf offers Barbed wire for Stock fencing
Die Draadwerf offers Field fencing for stock fencing

Field Fence

Draadwerf offers a variety of field fence heights and block sizes, depending on the type of livestock being contained, such as sheep, goats or cattle. It is considered the ideal fencing choice for livestock farmers as field fence blocks ensure that small animals are contained or cannot penetrate the barrier.

It is a woven fence consisting of several smooth horizontal and vertical wire strands. Wire spacing depends on fence height as it generally widens as the fence height increases.

Die Draadwerf stock fencing options are readily available and fully customisable.

When looking for versatile and quality stock fencing and the relevant equipment to build and support it, you will find it here at Die Draadwerf.
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